Behold! Our first book. We're very chuffed to have written a book and published it. A lot of people have said it is good. It's a book of short stories, and it's called Coffee.
There are five stories, and one song (that comes on a CD inside the book).
We did it with the help of Literature Development at Derby City Council. In the picture above you can see what it looks like. It is A5, it's handmade, and this first edition is limited to 100 hand-bound copies. Each one comes with a small stamped envelope containing a chocolate covered coffee bean (vegan) and a coffee pin badge.
They are three pounds.
If you would like one, you can e-mail us at:
books [at] timetravelopps.co.uk
We'd like that very much!
Update: Click here for some reviews of COFFEE.
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